What We Do

website designer tampa baycoast media 3 happy dolphins 510_384 pixels
  • Full-service internet marketing agency
  • Marketers who love what they do
  • Specializing in making your brand famous
  • Using platforms that make sense
  • Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TV / Radio ads
  • New revenue streams for your brand




We specialize in beautiful websites that convert traffic to leads. Your website is either a beautiful reflection of you, or a place where traffic goes to die. The most important thing we care about is…how well does your website convert? Your website should be a lead generating machine! A permanent asset.

Your website is a reflection of your professional brand. Website management | website re-design | website repair, we do it all AND make you look good.

Been hacked? We’ll even repair your website and enhance your website’s native security.

We build a high-converting ClickFunnel designed to convert traffic into sales. Our ClickFunnels have sold thousands of products! We are happy to share with you some of our beautiful work. Click the “Talk With Us” button below for more information. 

Is your website in need of love? Need us to boot the bad guys and repair some code? We give you a fast, elegant, and modern design.  We’ll do it with a flourish and even enhance your website security. 

Most websites are slow because they are not maintained. Need a repair or a tune-up? We got you covered.

Our website maintenance plans make it simple for you to rest easy. We work hard so you don’t have to.

They say in order to truly rank on SEO, you need about 500 posts. We create content designed to boost your Google SEO ranking. We can post daily or weekly. You decide! 

Need a new logo? We have one of the best graphic artists in the world! Jackie puts love into all of her work. Know how I know?

Every brand should have:

  1. Logo
  2. Favicon
  3. Social Media Kit
  4. Branding Guide
  5. Typography
  6. Color Palette
  7. Modern Look & Feel

Working with us, you get it all. Whether you are looking for a fresh new look or modernizing your old one, you will love your new brand.


Google SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It determines how much traffic you get to your website. If your website is built correctly that traffic gives you new prospects and leads. Leads that boost revenue.

Our SEO package is a minimum of 6 months. Google requires many pages / posts to rank you higher. 

Google Maps, Bing Maps, Apple Maps are a 10-ton gorillas in today’s world! Think about it..

What’s the first thing you do when you search for anything? 

Find them on the Map & read the reviews. 

We make it easier for your customers to find you. 

Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool used to drive attention to your brand. 

What is it? 

Like a highly evolved, modern day, Yellow Pages.

When you Google Search any business, the first results are your Google My Business profile. Always. 

You are either in their cool kids club, or not..

The first thing we do is do a full SEO Strategic Review plan specifically for you. Then we tell you what keywords you should be targeting.

What are keywords?

Keywords are what YOUR customer searches for. For example, we may target “website design” because that’s something we are passionate about. 

That’s why keyword optimization is important. You need to know what you customer is searching and place yourself in front of them. 

Search: “Wine Store near me”. Search: “Any store near me” Search: for anything.

What will you find?

The companies that have local citations.

What are local citations?

They are like a little kudos from another business saying, yeah, that person is cool..

Like a tiny stamp of approval. A registry with yellow pages online or a different local organization. We recommend at least 50.  

Sometimes you want it all.

We understand.

That’s why we take the time to enhance your Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Bing SEO. We also throw you in front of other search engines.

Because you know…

Why not have it all?

What is SEO?

SEO puts you in front of your customers.

Search for anything.

Look for the non-paid ads.

That’s SEO. 

The ORGANIC results of your search.

It’s a good place to be. 

People buy from people they know and like.

In post 2020, everyone is only social media. We make sure everybody knows YOU. 

Dislike the headache of thinking about clever things to write? 

We love it. 

Good social media management means you get back to doing the things you love and leave the witticisms to us. We love social media management and do it well. 

Since the rise of 2020, social selling is not the TOP way to get new customers. The concept is simple:

We will build your audience, grow them in to fans of you that are happy to recommend your service again and again. 

What is social selling?

When you need anything, what do you do? You ask a friend! Social recommendations are a fast way to boost your business and revenue. Social selling is the art of getting people to like you enough to recommend your service. 

Ever been 4-pages deep into a lead funnel and realize you have no idea how you got there?

That’s clever internet marketing. 

Lead funnels draw you in. 

They entice you to leave your information. Usually with a bribe, like a free strategy session or SEO roadmap.

Lead funnels capture your prospect data so that you can sell them your product or service. 

Classic, timeless, and proven. Facebook Ads work. 

Have you tried Facebook Ads in the past and had them not work?

That’s because your niece or nephew (who is good at the internet) is not a marketer.

There’s coding.

A Facebook Pixel.



Website Syncs.

Lead-To-Calendar Syncs.

It’s a science.

You will enjoy Facebook Ads because they work. 

And if you can turn one dollar into three, when is that a bad decision?

Need clever social media content? 

Two things matter in sales. 

  1. Do they like you.
  2. Can you do it?

We take care of the first part.

You do the rest.

Social Media Marketing and clever social media management put you in front of your ideal customer. 

Imagine a world where all you do is grow… and you clients are delivered with a bow. 

LinkedIn Leads 2.0 is a full-service LinkedIn Organic marketing campaign.

There are two campaign types. 

Both include